All Natural & Non-GMO Milk and Cheese

Non-GMO All Natural Whole Milk
Everyone loves whole milk! It’s perfect in a cup of coffee or in a tall glass with a bunch of cookies. Our whole milk averages from 3.7-4.2% fat which naturally fluctuates with the season.

Non-GMO Fat Free
Fat free or “skim” milk does not have any fat. It’s the right choice if you’re trying to watch your weight.

Non-GMO All Natural Half and Half
Our half & half is hard to keep on the shelf! It’s the go-to for many coffee shops in the Minneapolis area for their lattes or fancy drinks. Because we do not homogenize, the froth will stay much longer than other milks!

Non-GMO All Natural Reduced Fat Milk
Reduced fat has about half the fat of whole milk. It’s great for breakfast poured over a bowl of cereal. Our reduced fat milk has 2% fat.

Non-GMO Chocolate Milk
Our chocolate milk is an award winner and a best seller! We use only the highest quality ingredients. Our cocoa is imported all the way from Switzerland!

Non-GMO All Natural Mocha Milk
Our mocha milk is dreamy! It has just the right amount of coffee and chocolate! Our customers tell us it’s the best thing on a hot summer day poured over ice!